Java 并发 4-线程池与执行器

18-06-13 编程 #java #并发 #thread-pool

thread pool classes hierarchy

java thread pool class hierarchy
Executor (java.util.concurrent)
|---ExecutorService (java.util.concurrent)
    |---AbstractExecutorService (java.util.concurrent)
    |   |---ForkJoinPool (java.util.concurrent)
    |   |---ThreadPoolExecutor (java.util.concurrent)
    |   |   |---ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor (java.util.concurrent)
    |---DelegatedExecutorService in Executors (java.util.concurrent)
    |---ScheduledExecutorService (java.util.concurrent)

three thread pool interfaces

Executor, a simple interface that supports launching new tasks.

ExecutorService, a sub-interface of Executor, which adds features that help manage the life cycle, both of the
individual tasks and of the executor itself.

ScheduledExecutorService, a sub-interface of ExecutorService, supports future and/or periodic execution of tasks.

common thread pool implements

ThreadPoolExecutor是 thread pool 最常用的实现。一般通过Executors静态工厂方法来创建。


//同样的,Executors 还提供了 ScheduledExecutorService 的工具方法
 * corePoolSize - 保留存活的线程个数
 * maximumPoolSize - 最大线程个数
 * keepAliveTime - 线程数超过 corePoolSize 时,空闲线程存活时间
 * unit - keepAliveTime 的单位,毫秒秒分等
 * workQueue – 任务队列,只保存通过 execute() 方法提交的 Runnable 任务
 * threadFactory – 给自己创建一个线程的工厂方法
 * handler – 当线程池达到数量限制或者任务队列满了,对新任务提交的处理策略
class ThreadPoolExecutor {
  public ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize,
                            int maximumPoolSize,
                            long keepAliveTime,
                            TimeUnit unit,
                            BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue,
                            ThreadFactory threadFactory,
                            RejectedExecutionHandler handler) {}

JDK 默认的拒绝策略 RejectedExecutionHandler 有:

 * ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy - 默认的 handler,抛出一个 RejectedExecutionException
 * ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy - 提交任务的线程自己执行这个任务
 * ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy - 抛弃这个任务
 * ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy - 抛弃任务队列中最早提交上来的任务,然后尝试重新提交当前这个任务



fork/join 框架

核心是一个ForkJoinPool class 和一个扩展的AbstractExecutorService. 执行ForkJoinTask 任务。
在 JDK8 中有个java.util.Arrays.parallelSort()使用的就是 fork/join.

当然,不是所有人都满意 JDK7 引入的 Fork/Join 框架.