这份笔记试图打造最强的 clojure 小抄,keep refactoring it…
clojure 入门
(ns clj-notes.core
;:gen-class generate java class file
;Parameter is variable in the declaration of function.
;Argument is the actual value of this variable that gets passed to function.
;install leiningen:
;put lein.bat in your PATH
;open cmder,run: lein repl
;start repl,use exit,(exit),(quit) or ctrl+d to quit repl
(println "hello clojure")
;Symbols are used to bind names to values
;' will prevent a form from being evaluated
;'() same as (quote ())
;def global variable
;let local variable binding
(def object "light")
(println object)
(let [x 10
y 20
z 30]
(+ x y z))
;=> 60
;data collection
;seq is abstract for list vector array
(def dict {:k1 "v1" :k2 "v2"})
;keyword as function
(:k1 dict) ;return v1
;map as function
(dict :k1) ;return v1
(let [v (dict :k1)]
(println v))
;also you can use get on seq or map
(get {:a 1 :b 2} :b)
;=> 2
;clojure.core/seq is a function that produces a sequence over the given argument.
;Data types that clojure.core/seq can produce a sequence over are called seqable:
;Clojure collections
;Java maps
;All iterable types (types that implement java.util.Iterable)
;Java collections (java.util.Set, java.util.List, etc)
;Java arrays
;All types that implement java.lang.CharSequence interface, including Java strings
;All types that implement clojure.lang.Seqable interface
;function for seq or collection
;defn 定义函数
;defn- 定义ns内私有函数
(defn f
"the second line is doc-string"
{:added "1.2" ;this is attr-map
:static true}
(print "hello " param))
(meta (var f))
;#' is the reader macro for var and works the exactly same
(meta #'f)
;fn create a function
(def f (fn [] (println "this is from fn function")))
;#() is the shortcut for fn
(def plus-one #(+ 1 %))
;% will be replaced with arguments passed to the function
;%1 is for the first argument, %2 is for the second and so on
(defn des
[{k1 :k1}] ;get :k1 value from argument (map) and binding it to k1(parameter)
(println "destructing in map" k1))
(des dict) ;destructing in map v1
;key don't have to be keyword
(defn currency-of
[{currency "currency"}]
(defn currency-of
[{currency 'currency}]
;if want to destructing multi key,use :keys, in this case,parameter name(currency amount)
;must same as arguments's keys(:currency :amount),can not use string as key
(defn currency-of
[{:keys [currency amount]}]
(* currency amount))
(currency-of {:currency "RMB" :amount 100000}) ;ok
(currency-of {"currency" "RMB" "amount" 100000}) ;currency will be nil,you will need use :strs or syms
(defn currency-strs
[{:strs [currency amount]}]
(currency-strs {"currency" "RMB" "amount" 100000}) ;ok
(defn currency-syms
[{:syms [currency amount]}]
(currency-syms {'currency "CNY" 'amount 100000}) ;ok
;use :or to give a default value for parameter
(defn currency-or
[{:keys [currency amount] :or {currency "USD"}}]
(currency-or {:amount 100000}) ;=> "USD"
;use & for Variadic Functions parameters
(defn log
[message & args]
(println "args: " args))
;named params , achieved by Variadic Functions destructing
(defn job-info
[& {:keys [name job income] :or {job "unemployed" income "$0.00"}}]
(if name
[name job income]
(println "No name specified")))
;cation! arguments to job-info is not a map
(job-info :name "Robert" :job "Engineer")
;["Robert" "Engineer" "$0.00"]
;Without the use of a variadic argument list,
;you would have to call the function with a single map argument such as
(job-info {:name "Robert" :job "Engineer"})
;destructuring example
(def my-vec [1 2 3])
(let [[a b c d] my-vec]
(println a b c d))
;1 2 3 nil
(let [[a b & the-rest] my-vec]
(println "a=" a "b=" b "the-rest=" the-rest))
;a= 1 b= 2 the-rest= (3)
(let [[:as all] my-vec]
(println all))
;[1 2 3]
(let [[a :as all] my-vec]
(println a all))
;1 [1 2 3]
(let [[a b & the-rest :as all] my-vec]
(println a b the-rest all))
;1 2 (3) [1 2 3]
;note: & the-rest convert vector to list,
;but :as preserves them (as a list, or as a vector)
(def my-vec ["first" "second"])
(let [{a 0 b 1} my-vec]
(println a b)) ;=> "first second"
;optional arguments to functions
(defn foo [a b & more-args]
(println a b more-args))
(foo :a :b) ;; => :a :b nil
(foo :a :b :x) ;; => :a :b (:x)
(foo :a :b :x :y :z) ;; => :a :b (:x :y :z)
;map destructuring
(def my-hashmap {:a "A" :b "B" :c "C" :d "D"})
(def my-nested-hashmap {:a "A" :b "B" :c "C" :d "D" :q {:x "X" :y "Y" :z "Z"}})
(let [{a :a d :d} my-hashmap]
(println a d))
;; => A D
(let [{a :a, b :b, {x :x, y :y} :q} my-nested-hashmap]
(println a b x y))
;; => A B X Y
(let [{a :a, b :b, not-found :not-found, :or {not-found ":)"}, :as all} my-hashmap]
(println a b not-found all))
;; => A B :) {:a A :b B :c C :d D}
;!!! There is no & rest for maps.
;everything but false and nil evaluates to true in Clojure.
;:as bind entire map to param
;See https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/wiki/File-Uploads for explanation
(defn file-handler
;[{{{tempfile :tempfile filename :filename} "file"} :params :as request}]
[{{{tempfile :tempfile filename :filename} "file"} :params :as request}]
(println request)
(let [n (num-lines tempfile)]
(response (str "File " filename " has " n " lines "))))
;a simple example
(defn first-first
[[[i _] _]]
(first-first [[1 2] [3 4]])
;return 1
;(defn name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] prepost-map? body)
;(defn name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] prepost-map? body) + attr-map?)
;function can have params type hint
(defn round
"^double here is type hint"
[^double d ^long precision]
(let [factor (Math/pow 10 precision)]
(/ (Math/floor (* d factor)) factor)))
(defn bar
([a b] (bar a b 100))
([a b c] (* a b c)))
(bar 5 6)
(bar 5 6 3)
(defn keyworded-map [& {:keys [function sequence]}]
(map function sequence))
(keyworded-map :sequence [1 2 3] :function #(+ % 2))
;create-ns create a namespace
(create-ns 'zhi.moe.clj)
;in-ns move to a namespace
;require loads a namespace and
;refer refers the namespace.
;To do these at once, you can use use
(require 'clojure.by.example)
(use 'clojure.by.example)
;you can rename namespace
(require '[clojure.by.example :as temp-ns])
;ns macro creates a new namespace and gives you an opportunity to load other namespaces at the creation time
;import java class
(import java.util.Date)
(println (str (new Date)))
;Wed Jul 24 22:55:24 CST 2019
;In Clojure, everything except false and nil are true.
(if 1
(println "it is true")
(println "will never print"))
(if true
(println "executed when true")
(println "executed when false"))
;use do to execute multi expressions
(if true
(println "one")
(println "two")))
(defn positive-number [numbers]
(if-let [pos-nums (not-empty (filter pos? numbers))]
"no positive numbers"))
;when when-let case cond condp
(defn cond-test
(= n 1) "n is 1"
(and (> n 3) (< n 10)) "n is over 3 and under 10"
:else "n is other"))
(cond-test 1000)
(let [first "Hirokuni"
last "Kim"]
(str "My name is " first " " last))
(format "My name is %s %s" "Hirokuni" "Kim")
;power function
(defn power
[x n]
(reduce * (repeat n x)))
;bigint,N is a literal for bigint
(+ 9223372036854775807 10N)
;list conj nth count
'(1 2 3)
;vector conj nth count .indexOf
[1 2 3]
(.indexOf [1 2 3] 4)
(count [1 2])
;set conj nth count disj sort contains? subset? superset?
#{1 2 3}
;map assoc merge keys vals
(let [os {:Apple "Mac" :Microsoft "Windows"}]
(get os :Apple))
(assoc {:Apple "Mac" :Microsoft "Windows"} :Commodore "Amiga")
;Sequences are data types that abstract all more concrete data types with unified functions.
;These functions are called the Seq library in Clojure.
;seq first rest cons concat map reduce into
;To add an element to the head of sequence, use cons.
(cons 4 [1 2 3])
(into [] `(1 2 3))
(reverse [1 2 3])
;get a sequence of infinite integers with iterate. Be careful,
;though. Running this example will freeze your terminal since the evaluation of this expression never returns.
(doc iterate)
(doc range)
(repeatedly 5 (fn [] (println "hi!")))
;for each
(doseq [animal ["cat" "dog" "horse"]] (println animal))
(take 5 (range 0 100))
(take-while neg? [-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3])
;drop will remove the first n elements
(drop 5 (range 0 10))
(drop-while neg? [-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3])
;(0 1 2 3)
(remove pos? [-1 -2 3 4])
;(-1 -2)
(filter pos? [-1 2 3])
(partition-by #(< 3 %) [1 2 3 4 5 6])
(group-by #(< 3 %) [1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3])
(println (take 5 (iterate inc 0)))
;for compression
(for [x '(1 2 3)]
(+ 10 x))
(doc for)
;双重for 循环
(for [x (range 10)
y (range 20)
:while (< y x)]
[x y])
;<==> {x | x >0}
(for [x '(-1 1 2)
:when (> x 0)]
(for [x [0 1 2 3 4 5]
:let [y (* x 3)]
:when (even? y)]
;meta data for function parameters
(defn round
[^double d ^long precision]
(let [factor (Math/pow 10 precision)]
(/ (Math/floor (* d factor)) factor)))
;# is Dispatch character that tells the Clojure reader how to interpret the next character using a read table
#{1 2 3}
{:a 1, #_#_:b 2, :c 3}
;regular expression
(re-matches #"^test$" "test")
;anonymous function
#(println %)
;var quote
(read-string "#'foo")
;symbolic values
(/ 1.0 0.0) ;##Inf
;tagged literals
(type #inst "2014-05-19T19:12:37.925-00:00") ;java.util.Date
(meta #'fn-name)
;reader conditionals
#?(:clj (Clojure expression)
:cljs (ClojureScript expression)
:cljr (Clojure CLR expression)
:default (fallthrough expression))
;#?@ splicing reader conditional
(defn build-list []
(list #?@(:clj [5 6 7 8]
:cljs [1 2 3 4]))) ;return [5 6 7 8] when run on clojure
;#= allows the reader to evaluate an arbitrary form during read time
(read-string "#=(+ 3 4)") ;7
;simple recursion
(defn fibo
"this is recursion function"
(if (or (= n 0) (= n 1))
(+ (fibo (- n 1)) (fibo (- n 2)))))
;do not do this!!! take a long time to finish
(fibo 1000)
;use recur
(defn fibo-recur [iteration]
(let [fibo (fn [one two n]
(if (= iteration n)
(recur two (+ one two) (inc n))))]
;recur re-binds it's arguments to new values and call the function with the new values
;fibo is an inner function
(fibo 0N 1N 0)))
(fibo-recur 1000)
;it is really fast
;with simple recursion, each recursive call creates a stack frame which is
;a data to store the information of the called function on memory.
;Doing deep recursion requires large memory for stack frames, but since it cannot,
;we get StackOverflowError
;A function is tail recursive when the recursion is happening at the end of it's definition
;In other words, a tail recursive function must return itself as it's returned value.
;When you use recur, it makes sure you are doing tail recursion
(doc loop)
;loop/recur is merely a friendly way to write recursion code.
;All imperative loops can be converted to recursions and all recursions can be converted to loops,
;so Clojure chose recursions.
;Although you can write code that looks like an imperative loop with loop/recur,
;Clojure is doing recursion under the hood.
(defmacro unless [test then]
"Evaluates then when test evaluates to be falsey"
(list 'if (list 'not test)
(macroexpand '(unless false (println "hi")))
;' quoting
;` syntax-quoting returns the fully qualified namespace.
;Using fully qualified namespace is very important in order to avoid name conflicts when defining macro.
;~ unquote
`(+ ~(list 1 2 3))
;(clojure.core/+ (1 2 3))
`(+ ~@(list 1 2 3))
;(clojure.core/+ 1 2 3)
;The ~@ unquote splice works just like ~ unquote,
;except it expands a sequence and splice the contents of
;the sequence into the enclosing syntax-quoted data structure
;thread first macro
(-> []
(conj 1)
(conj 2)
(conj 3))
;[1 2 3]
(first (.split (.replace (.toUpperCase "a b c d") "A" "X") " "))
;;Perhaps easier to read:
;-> 后面是初始参数,第2行开始每一行是一个函数调用,
;且上一行的返回值会作为这一行第一个参数(这就是thread first)的first含义
;如果省略(),那么野生符号(bare symbol)和keyword都会当作一个函数调用,
;例如,这里的.toUpperCase是bare symbol,等效于(.toUpperCase ,,,)
;clojure中 逗号等于空白符,所以上面用,,,表示将会插入的参数(即"a b c d")
(-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")
;same as follow, ,,, is equals whitespace
(-> "a b c d"
(.replace "A" "X")
(.split " ")
;suppose a function
(defn calculate []
(reduce + (map #(* % %) (filter odd? (range 10)))))
;same as
;上一行的结果作为最后一个参数插入,这叫thread last
(defn calculate* []
(->> (range 10)
(filter odd?,,,)
(map #(* % %),,,)
(reduce +,,,)))
;如果想要指定每次插入的位置那么需要用 as->
(as-> [:foo :bar] v
(map name v)
(first v)
(.substring v 1))
({:keys [firstname lastname] :as person} {:firstname "John" :lastname "Smith"})
;future and deref
(let [future-val (future (inc 1))]
(println (deref future-val)))
;deref == @
(let [future-val (future (inc 1))]
(println @future-val))
(def my-future (future (Thread/sleep 5000)))
(repeatedly 6
(fn []
(println (realized? my-future))
(Thread/sleep 1000)))
(doc future)
(def my-promise (promise))
;you define a promise
(def listen-and-callback (fn []
(println "Start listening...")
(future (println "Callback fired: " @my-promise))))
(defn do-time-consuming-job []
(Thread/sleep 5000)
(deliver my-promise "delivered value"))
;atom is like mutable var in other languages but atom is thread safe
;ref dosync ref-set alter
(def my-ref (ref 0))
(alter my-ref
(fn [current_ref]
(inc current_ref))))
(print @my-ref)
(def user (ref {}))
(alter user merge {:name "Kim"})
(throw (Exception. "something wrong happens!"))
(alter user merge {:age 32}))
(def user-record (atom {}))
(do (swap! user-record merge {:name "Kim"})
(throw (Exception. "something wrong happens!"))
(swap! user-record merge {:age 32}))
(new java.util.Date "2016/2/19")
(java.util.Date. "2016/2/19")
(Math/pow 2 3) ;static method
(def rnd (new java.util.Random))
(. rnd nextInt 10)
(let [date1 (new java.util.Date)
date2 (new java.util.Date)]
(.equals date1 date2))
;(.instanceMember instance args*)
;(.instanceMember Classname args*)
;(.-instanceField instance)
;(Classname/staticMethod args*)
(defn geohash [lat lng]
(println "geohash:" lat lng)
;;this function take two separate values as params.
;;and it return a geohash for that position
(let [{:strs [lat lng] :as coord} {"lat" 51.503331, "lng" -0.119500}]
(println "calculating geohash for coordinates: " coord)
(geohash lat lng))
;assoc-in associate使加入