merge two map and sum its values
多个 map 合并,key 相同时则 value 相加
val map1 = Map(1 -> 1, 2 -> 2)
val map2 = Map(1 -> 11, 3 -> 3)
val map3 = Map(1 -> 111, 3 -> 3)
val mapList = List(map1, map2, map3)
val merged = mapList.reduce((m1, m2) =>
m1 ++ { case (k, v) => k -> (v + m1.getOrElse(k, 0)) }
// """"""可以避免\\符号
val file = """d:\data\file.txt"""
for (line <- Source.fromFile(file, encoding).getLines()) {
def using[A <: {def close() : Unit}, R](resource: A)(fun: A => R): R = {
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
try {
} finally {
using(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFile), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
writer => writer.write(s"""${line}\n""")
val nanoUnit = 1000000
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val path = """D:\code\ideaProjects\scala-notes\data\src\out"""
val files: List[File] = new File(path).listFiles.filter(_.isFile).toList
val start = System.nanoTime()
val wfList = ListBuffer[mutable.Map[String, Long]]()
val futures = for (file <- files) yield Future {
countWrodsInFile(file, "UTF-8")
for (f <- futures) {
val words: mutable.Map[String, Long] = Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
wfList += words
//merge the word frequency map
val finalWf = wfList.reduce((m1, m2) =>
m1 ++ { case (k, v) => k -> (v + m1.getOrElse(k, 0L)) }
val end = System.nanoTime()
println(s"container size=${finalWf.size}")
// sort map
val wordsFreq = finalWf.toList.sortWith(_._2 > _._2)
write2file(wordsFreq, Paths.get(path, "final.txt").toFile)
println(s"total used time = ${(end - start) / nanoUnit} ms")
println(s"cups = ${Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()}")
def countWrodsInFile(file: File, encoding: String): mutable.Map[String, Long] = {
val wf = mutable.Map[String, Long]().withDefaultValue(0)
for (line <- Source.fromFile(file, encoding).getLines()) {
val l = line.trim
wf.update(l, wf(l) + 1)
println(s"${file.getName} has words:${wf.size}")
def write2file(wf: Seq[(String, Long)], out: File): Unit = {
using(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(out), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
writer =>
for (it <- wf) {
writer.write(s"""${it._1} ${it._2}\n""")